Jct Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor`s Design 2016 Plc

The JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor`s Design 2016 PLC is a widely used form of construction contract in the United Kingdom. It is specifically designed for use where the contractor is responsible for some or all of the design of the construction works.

The JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor`s Design 2016 PLC is a standard form of contract that provides a clear and concise framework for the construction project. It has been developed by the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT), which is a joint venture between six major construction industry bodies in the UK.

Under this contract, the contractor is responsible for the design of some or all of the works. The contractor will also be responsible for obtaining all necessary planning permission and building regulations approval. The contract will specify the extent of the design responsibility of the contractor, as well as any limitations to that responsibility.

The JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor`s Design 2016 PLC is suitable for a wide range of construction projects, including commercial buildings, residential properties, and other types of construction work. The contract is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each project.

One key feature of the JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor`s Design 2016 PLC is the provision of a detailed payment mechanism. This includes interim payments, which are made throughout the construction process, and a final payment at completion. Payment is made on the basis of the work completed, as certified by the architect or other appointed persons.

The contract also includes provisions for dealing with problems and disputes that may arise during the construction process. This includes a process for resolving disputes through arbitration, which is a quicker and more cost-effective option than going to court.

Overall, the JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor`s Design 2016 PLC is a comprehensive and effective contract for construction projects where the contractor is responsible for some or all of the design. It provides a clear and concise framework for the project, and includes provisions for payment, problem-solving, and dispute resolution.