Private Golf Cart Agreement

When you`re a golf lover, there`s nothing quite like riding around the course in your own golf cart. Whether you`re looking for a faster pace, the freedom to explore different parts of the course, or simply the convenience of not having to walk, owning a private golf cart can be a big advantage. But before you take your new set of wheels out on the course, it`s important to understand the private golf cart agreement and the role it plays in regulating the use of golf carts on the greens.

What is a private golf cart agreement?

A private golf cart agreement is essentially an agreement between the golf course and individual golf cart owners that details the guidelines for operating a private golf cart on the course. This agreement is a legal document that outlines the rules and regulations that need to be followed while using your golf cart on the course. Some golf courses require you to sign a private golf cart agreement before using your cart on their course.

What are the rules of a private golf cart agreement?

The rules of a private golf cart agreement can vary from course to course, but there are a few common guidelines that apply to most agreements. Some of the most common rules that you might find in a private golf cart agreement include:

– A requirement for proof of liability insurance for the golf cart

– Limiting the number of passengers allowed on the cart

– Requiring the cart to stay on the designated cart path or in specific areas of the course

– Prohibiting the use of personal carts on certain days or during certain times

– Prohibiting the use of personal carts during tournaments or special events

– Requiring the cart to have functioning safety features, such as headlights, taillights, and brake lights

– Requiring the cart to be in good condition and well-maintained

Why are private golf cart agreements important?

Private golf cart agreements are important for several reasons. First, they help ensure the safety of all golfers on the course by outlining guidelines for the use of personal carts. By requiring carts to have safety features and limiting the number of passengers, the risk of accidents or collisions is reduced.

Second, private golf cart agreements help maintain the condition of the golf course. By limiting the areas where carts can be driven and requiring carts to stay on the designated path, the course can better maintain the grass, prevent erosion, and protect the natural landscape.

Finally, private golf cart agreements help maintain a fair and consistent experience for all golfers on the course. By regulating the use of personal carts, the golf course can ensure that no one has an unfair advantage, and that everyone has a similar experience while playing.


If you`re a golf cart owner, it`s important to understand the rules and regulations outlined in the private golf cart agreement. Make sure you read through the agreement carefully, and follow all guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone on the course. And remember, by following the rules outlined in the agreement, you`re doing your part to help maintain the condition of the course and ensure a level playing field for all golfers.