Cooperation Agreement between the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions

On January 21st, 2021, the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions signed a new cooperation agreement. The agreement aims to strengthen partnerships between the two institutions and improve cooperation in areas of common interest, such as regional development, climate change, and social issues.

The Committee of the Regions is responsible for representing regional and local authorities within the European Union. Its main role is to provide advice and opinions on EU legislation that affects regional and local communities. On the other hand, the European Parliament is the directly elected legislative body of the EU. It represents the interests of EU citizens and oversees the work of the European Commission, which is responsible for proposing EU legislation.

Under the new cooperation agreement, the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions will work together to promote EU policies that benefit regions and cities, ensure that the voice of regional and local authorities is heard in EU decision-making, and enhance citizen participation in the EU.

One of the areas of cooperation highlighted in the agreement is regional development. The two institutions will work together to ensure that EU regional policy responds to the needs of regions and cities and supports sustainable and inclusive growth. This is particularly important now, as Europe faces the challenge of recovering from the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The agreement also focuses on climate change, recognizing the crucial role that regions and cities play in achieving the EU`s climate goals. The European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions aim to work together to support local and regional authorities in implementing the EU`s climate policies and to ensure that their voices are heard in the EU`s climate decision-making.

Finally, the agreement highlights the importance of social issues, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions will work together to ensure that EU policies respond to the social challenges faced by regional and local communities and that citizens have access to social protection and healthcare.

In conclusion, the new cooperation agreement between the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions is an important step towards strengthening partnerships between the two institutions and improving cooperation in areas of common interest. By working together, they can ensure that EU policies respond to the needs and concerns of regional and local communities and that citizens have a voice in EU decision-making.