Breach of Settlement Agreement Attorneys Fees

Breach of Settlement Agreement Attorneys Fees: What You Need to Know

Settlement agreements are a common part of legal negotiations, allowing parties to resolve disputes outside of court. These agreements often include provisions for payment of attorneys fees in case of a breach by one party. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of attorneys fees in breach of settlement agreements, why it’s important to consider them, and what you can do if you’re involved in a dispute.

What are Attorneys Fees in a Breach of Settlement Agreement?

Attorneys fees in a breach of settlement agreement refer to the costs incurred by the prevailing party in enforcing or defending the terms of the settlement agreement. These fees are usually spelled out in the settlement agreement itself. In some cases, the agreement may specify that the prevailing party is entitled to attorneys fees if a breach occurs, while in other cases, the fees may be awarded by a court.

Why are Attorneys Fees Important in a Breach of Settlement Agreement?

Attorneys fees can be a significant factor in determining whether to litigate a breach of a settlement agreement. In some cases, attorneys fees can be greater than the amount at issue in the dispute itself. If a party is aware that they may be responsible for the other party’s attorneys fees if they breach the settlement agreement, they may be more likely to comply with the terms of the agreement. On the other hand, if a party feels that the other party is unlikely to enforce the agreement because of the potential costs, they may be more likely to take their chances and breach the agreement.

What Can You Do if You’re Involved in a Breach of Settlement Agreement Dispute?

If you find yourself in a dispute over a breach of a settlement agreement, it’s important to understand your rights and obligations under the agreement. Review the terms of the agreement carefully and consult with an attorney experienced in breach of contract disputes. If you believe that the other party has breached the agreement, you may be entitled to attorneys fees if the agreement includes a provision for them. If the agreement does not include such a provision, you may still be able to recover attorneys fees if you prevail in court.


Attorneys fees can be a significant factor in resolving disputes arising from breach of settlement agreements. Understanding your rights and obligations under the agreement and seeking the advice of an experienced attorney can help you navigate the process and maximize your chances of a favorable outcome. Whether you’re seeking to enforce the agreement or defend against a breach, be sure to carefully consider the potential costs and benefits of pursuing your case.